Saturday, 17 December 2011


Completed and delivered to Fi.

She likes it!
It is great to paint for friends.

Dogs of St Andrews

I have reached a point where a number of dogs are now completed and delivered.
I have about 10 more to do and the hounds, however for tomorrow I have to finish the last commission before Christmas.

I still like Molly, Fyn and Bruce.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Ann's grand daughter

Commission now completed.  Ann's grand daughter.  I will leave it like this for Ann to decide if she would like more done.

I was asked today to do my first ever demonstration to an art group.  So I am at Cheddiston (16 members for the 1st and 8th Feb 2012. 

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Red Silk

Well the week continued to be interesting and the debate came down in favour of my work being sensual rather than erotic.
It seems strange that the Manet, Olympia, debate still rages.
Figures in a normal setting, doing normal things have to be legitimate subject matter.
With, 'The  Cold Light of Dawn' the study is of cool light on pale skin contrasted with the warm reflected light from the bench.
Red Silk is a study of red light and flesh tones.  I suppose if I had called it Red Light it would have caused real problems.
Interesting the number of comments on facebook for the commission of the man and dog on a beach and then the contrast with The Cold Light of Dawn.  Ho hum.

Red Silk pastel on board 12"x12"

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

In the Cold Light of Dawn

Today has been very interesting.  I decided to use some old sketches and photography to build a pastel.  I wanted something that I could send to the Pastel Society.  I thought it would an interesting piece with lots of cool light and warm reflections.  It seems I missed that for many people a woman in stockings is an erotic image! 
I leave it for you to judge.  I will be very interested in your views.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Figures in Gold

I have been working on some figure studies based on some life drawings.  They have become like Icons.
I am wondering about possible entry to the Pastel Society Exhibition.

These are different.  They are small, with goldleaf and on watercolour paper. They are underpainted with watercolour and the goldleaf applied after.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Norfolk Norwich Art Circle

Wooo Hooo!  Entered 4 paintings and 4 are accepted!  Exhibition in the Forum at Norwich for the end of November.  More details to be posted later!

The Four paintings... all at reasonable prices!